contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us and someone from PSS will be in touch!

11495 SW Wilsonville Rd
Wilsonville, OR, 97070
United States


Welcome to Boones Ferry Primary PSS!  PSS (Parents and Staff for Students) is a non-profit organization that works just like a traditional PTA, but differs in that members are not required to pay dues and are not affiliated with a national organization.  We are an organization dedicated to enriching our children's school experience, creating a community within our school, and contributing to an environment of excellence where our children thrive.

Community Programs

There are many programs available through various retailers and organizations. By connecting your rewards card or account to BFPS you will be supporting our school by shopping. Take a few minutes to connect Boones Ferry Primary to your accounts below. Thank you for supporting our school!

Link once, donate forever

Link your shoppers card to Boones Ferry PSS and raise money for our school every time you use your card at Fred Meyer!


Download the Box Tops for Education app on your smartphone and follow the instructions to create your account and link it to Boones Ferry Primary School.

Parents and Staff for Students Inc (PSS) is a 501(c)3 Organization. Our EIN Tax ID Number is 91-1836559